Our medical cosmetic consult with the physician involves:
Listening to the client's agenda
Assessing aesthetic features
Taking medical history (including past medical history, history of skin disorders / skin cancer, medication list, allergies, etc)
Discussion about treatment (including treatment options, benefits, risks, down time, costs)
Taking photos before and after treatment (all the medical notes, images are kept confidential for medical record)
Offering cooling off period for the client to finalize decision (the consult fee is redeemable if the client decides to go ahead with the offered treatment within 2 weeks)
Medical investigations can be arranged if deemed necessary (i.e. Hormonal check with acne, excessive hair, hair loss, etc)
Discussion about home care recommendations
Prescription of non over the counter topical / oral medications related to the treatment (i.e. for treatment of acne, hair loss, etc)
Skin cancer check of the area of treatment prior to some of the cosmetic treatments (Please notice that skin cancer check is only exclusively offered prior to some of the cosmetic treatments such as prior to treatment of pigmented skin lesions or cosmetic skin lesion / mole removal). We are not offering non cosmetic skin cancer checks at the Brio Medical Cosmetic Clinic.