Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has many potential uses in dermatology. The use of PRP in aesthetic dermatologic and plastic surgery practices has surged. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is retrieved from a patient's blood and spun in a centrifuge to yield a final product of plasma with high concentration of platelets. These platelets then activate and release key growth factors that initiate signalling cascade, ultimately maximizing tissue repair, neovascularisation, tissue remodelling, and skin rejuvenation. PRP is also used in other fields of medicine to boost tissue repair (i.e. for musculoskeletal injuries in Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics, Wound healing, Dental bone rejuvenation, etc).
PRP uses in dermatology and plastic surgery:
Hair loss (Androgenic alopecia)
Scar revision
Acne scaring
Dermal augmentation
Striae distensae
Skin aging
Wrinkles, rhytids
Melasma and dyspigmentation
Hair transplantation surgery
Periocular circles
At the Brio Medical Cosmetic Clinic we use a special gun to deliver Platelet Rich Plasma into the skin. PRP treatments needs to be repeated to achieve desired outcomes.
PRP could be combined with other aesthetic treatments to enhance the outcome.
Disclaimer) PRP treatment is a relatively new type of treatment in medicine and although there are many promising results from using PRP treatment in medicine still more studies need to be carried out. Please make sure that you discuss with your treating physician before planning any treatments to ensure adequate understanding of the treatment, costs, expected outcome, and your suitability for the treatment.
Notice: All treatments are subject to a referral from your GP and a prior consultation with us to ensure suitability of treatment.